I'm starting my writing blog over again. My previous one had gone stale because I couldn't keep it fresh along with, 2 real estate blogs, 2 twitter accounts and facebook and LinkedIn and...oh yes, actually do some work!!
As my writing career slowly grows with my second book coming out ina month or so, I realize that I need to spend more time promoting this side of my life. I think I'll even have to figure out how to do a web page. I have a lovely on for my real estate world but it was designed by our franchise. I know there are free sites out there so i just have to DO IT!
My last child, #1 daughter is heading off to University tomorrow so my wife and I will be alone together for the first time in 23 years. It will be just like a second honeymoon. We were very active with our kids - hockey, golf, dance, etc. so it was a big time commitment. Now some of that time can be added to my writing time. The rest will go to trying to organize our house after 23 years of chaos!
I fyou come across this and want to keep an eye on what I do follow me at twitter - @peburns, or find me on Facebook and LinkedIn.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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