The rain has been falling for about a month now and this morning I noticed the animals lining up two by two. Anyone know where a guy could find a good supply of gopher wood? The upside, is with all this rain, work outside is impossible so that leaves more time to write!
"Jimmy and Cinder" is done to the point that I'm comfortable enough to start searching for an agent. I say it's done, but I'm sure if I'm fortunate enough to find an agent, I'll be doing more rewrites.
"Emily Finds a Dragon" is off to the printer and we shoould have proofs by the end of the week. Yahoo! I'll be glad to get that one out on the shelves as we are getting great feedback from our small releases on the publisher's website (
Lately, I've been very busy and traveling quite a lot with my real estate work. I'm 1st VP for the Provincial real estate board which requires some travel. In 2012 and 2013, I should be President which requires more travel. So, I've been trying to fine tune my things so that I can write and keep track of my real estate business when I'm on the road. I think I've got it in pretty good shape, so now evenings stuck in a hotel somewhere can be productive.